I just sprouted my second tooth, also on the bottom. Mom says I look like a little bulldog. Nice. This morning I figured out how to make fart noises on Mom with my mouth. It was an instant hit with Dad. It was also some grim foreshadowing. Minutes later, Mom was putting Dad's back in on the floor. All that pushing on his belly made the inevitable happen, and he released some evil right by my face. So I crawled over and stood up, then puked on his head. It was an instant hit with Mom.
Now when I get angry I use my fingers to make my lips go "Bulluh bluh bubble". I also stick my tongue out to sing "Deidel deidel die", which I think is from Fiddler on the Roof "If I was a Rich Man".
Just the past few days I have started taking a couple of steps to grab at something. But I'm like Wile E. Coyote, and the minute I realize I'm walking I fall down.