I am not walking, I am running. I do it all day long. I have started stacking cups, opening containers to put things in them and closing the lid again, saying "look" and pointing with my index finger, calling "Dad" when he comes home, what else? I sit and flip through board books and "read" them out loud, and I will sit still for mom or dad to read to me at night, but I'm the one who turns the pages when they tell me to. Impressed? Me too.
Mom finally convinced Dad to let me play with the ride-on firetruck they got me a long time ago. It plays two songs: "Do you know the Muffin Man?" and "Twinkle Twinkle", but I never let them play through. I like to press the buttons again and mix it up. Unc says I'll be a DJ mix master. Fo shizzle.