Wednesday, June 20, 2012

And a One and a Two and...

I went pee pee in the potty for the first AND second time on Sunday, June 17, 2012 at the age of 15 months old.  Mom and Dad did a happy dance.  On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 I put my first poop in there too!

Sitting on the porch with Dad, having a conversation about life and stuff.

Mom took me on a walk to see the ducks by the lake.  She asked, "Can you see that duck?" and my reply was a nod of my I nodded off to sleep.  She had to drag me half a mile home in my bike.

Fell asleep in my car seat on the way home.  Some details you might miss on first glance: holding a pencil in my right hand, a bag of cheese fish crackers in my left, and have a few crackers stowed under my chin.
When Mom says "OMG!" (which stands for Oh my goodness), I slap my hands on my face in shock.   Dad almost died the first time I did it.  

I don't care about stacking blocks, but stacking cans is a lot of fun.  I help  rearrange the pantry and the  lower shelves of the fridge often.  Mom and Dad love playing hide and seek with ingredients.

I am up to nine teeth.  I started day care last week and love Miss Debbie, who takes care of me.  In the past week I have mastered how to use a spoon and a fork to scoop or spear food and then deliver it to my mouth; next stop training chopsticks.  I can identify all sorts of things if you ask me to, 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Num Nums

When I get hungry, I ask politely for num nums now.  Then I say yum yum and eat.  Sometimes I say thank you when you hand me something.  I wave my hand to let you know when I'm all done.

Dad and I try to match when we can.  We want people to know we go together.

Mom is teaching me how to make flower wreaths from weeds.  Dad says I look like a Buttycelli, who is some famous painter.

What's over there?  Haha, while she's looking I'll grab her necklace.

Nutella is supposed to be healthy hazelnut spread, but it tastes like chocolate to  me!

Blue Steel

All in grey.

Big shoes to fill

My first time truly feeding myself with a spoon, and it's a MickD's yogurt parfait.  As you can see, it got messy.

Monday, June 4, 2012

My bag of tricks

Mommy left me today.  She is at the airport while I'm fast asleep.  I know what you're thinking, and yes, I am so tech savvy that I blog in my sleep.  She is going to Boston for work and won't be back until tomorrow night!  Dad and I are planning a fun day at the zoo.

My language comprehension is really surging now.  I can point to many body parts if when asked, and if I'm in the mood:
hiney (Dad's favorite)

I actually say: 
numnums (when hungry) 
m'aider (French for "help me".  I pronounce it d'aider, but it makes Mom and Dad do just about whatever I want, like open some snacks, help me with a door, show me how to use a toy.)
I'm working on thank you.  It sounds like "Dack"

I understand and will point to: 

If I feel like it and you ask me, I will:
stamp feet 
clap hands 
nod head (even if you just hum the tune to the song "Nod your head") 
hands up high 
touch your toes 
gimme five

Mom often asks to sniff my feet, and I put them over there for her, even though every stinking time they are, well, stinking.  She says, "Pee yoo!" and almost falls down.  I find this amusing.

I am starting to sing along to songs by singing "do do" and also open up books and run my fingers over the letters and read "do do do".  I recently said "amen" at the end of a prayer, and clap when others do.  I also clap if you say "good job" or the Korean version "jahl han da".

I am starting to enjoy drawing and do so more with my left hand than my right.  Dad says I hold the pencil just like a grown up. 

I will also give kisses if you ask for one, or sometimes just because.  Mom and Dad call them "kisses", but I call them "mm mm".  I give kisses to mommy and daddy and Unc, and also to Aunty Mimi (Jamie) and my sock monkey and baby doll.  I like to give water and food to monkey and say "num num" for him.  After he takes a drink, I say "Ah" for him.

The most exciting ability I have developed is that I can not only open household doors, but the oven door.  Mom doesn't seem as thrilled about this as I am.