It's been a while. I have been so busy. At the end of October and beginning of November, we went up to Baltimore to visit Mom's side of the family. I met lots of her Aunts and Uncles and cousins. On the first day I was terrified of the family dog, but within two days I was calling her, "Maaaaa-deeee!" (Maddy) and chasing her around the back yard. I had a great time with Patchoo (Patrick).
Right after we got home, Mom started feeling bad. She didn't have the energy to play with me like she used to, almost like she was a grown up instead of a kid or something. Then she peed on a stick and said I was a big sister. I don't know what that is, but it sounds bad. Now her energy is back and her appetite too, maybe a little too much, but I don't want to hurt her feelings so I pretend not to notice her huge belly.
I switched from Happy Acres daycamp to New Dimensions a few weeks ago. For the first few days I was asking for my old friends and crying a lot. Now I'm getting into the groove. They are teaching me about shapes. I can draw circles!
Mana (Grampa) and Mana (Grandma) Moore visited over Thanksgiving weekend. That's when I started using two word phrases. Now I'm up to 3 or more words. Like when Daddy changes my nappy, I tell him "No touch booboo" so he doesn't bump the scab on my knee from two weeks ago when I fell. In addition to learning new words, I am learning how to request different songs. My favorite requests are: Skidamarkink a Dink a Dink, Shark Attack, the Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Old McDonald (I love it when he has a duck or a mouse, and I'll tell you which animal for each verse).
I have totally mastered puzzles. Well, the puzzles with pegs to pull out the big pieces and each piece has its own slot. I'm still pretty impressed with my fine motor coordination for my age though. I now stack blocks and can truly jump like a pro. Lots of hard work and dedication.
A nice lady who visited our Korean congregation made this dress for me. It's beautiful, but if the crinoline brushes my legs I start bawling. |
This is in Washington, DC at the hotel where Mommy had her big work conference in October 2012. Longest we have ever been apart. She left me for three nights. |
Sometimes I just pass out in odd positions. Good thing my bones aren't set. |
In November Mom and Dad took me to visit family in Maryland. This is on the choo choo train at the Children's Museum in Baltimore. |
I flew off the end of the slide and cried. Then ran around to do it again! |
Family photo on the day we found out I would never again be an only child. |
Dad said to smile. I did it, right? |
This is at the playground where Mommy used to play when she was little in Lutherville, MD. |
I love to help Daddy make breakfast on the weekends. We specialize in waffles and pancakes. |
Mommy said to smile. Did I do it this time? |
Chillin' by the window and reading in the sunlight. |
On a sad note, we are moving back to the English congregation at Baymeadows. I will miss my Korean friends, but Mom and Dad say we will still visit and do things with them. In the English hall, there are tons of kids for me to play with. I am learning to obey and to sit and do quiet activities until after the meeting, like draw with invisible markers that only turn color on special paper. After the meeting, I know that there is no running at the Kingdom Hall, so I walk very quickly over to my friends. My favorite is Parker.