Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hey, Bulldog

Hangin with Unc before the meeting.
Trying to escape.
My pretty little headdress.
This is my first time in tights, for the CO visit.
Safari so good.
I just sprouted my second tooth, also on the bottom. Mom says I look like a little bulldog. Nice. This morning I figured out how to make fart noises on Mom with my mouth. It was an instant hit with Dad. It was also some grim foreshadowing. Minutes later, Mom was putting Dad's back in on the floor. All that pushing on his belly made the inevitable happen, and he released some evil right by my face. So I crawled over and stood up, then puked on his head. It was an instant hit with Mom.
Now when I get angry I use my fingers to make my lips go "Bulluh bluh bubble". I also stick my tongue out to sing "Deidel deidel die", which I think is from Fiddler on the Roof "If I was a Rich Man".
Just the past few days I have started taking a couple of steps to grab at something. But I'm like Wile E. Coyote, and the minute I realize I'm walking I fall down.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Country Girl

With Aunt Nikki after her jog with Mom.
With Uncle Tim. Not as high as Dad, but thanks for trying.
On Thanksgiving weekend, we drove down to see my Uncle Tim and Aunt Nicole, and Grandma Patty was already there too. I don't know how far it is from home, because I slept the whole trip down and the whole trip back, and also because I'm a baby and don't understand the concept of miles yet. They live somewhere called, "Oak, holla!" Makes sense, since there's pretty much nothing there but trees.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My One Front Teef

Apparently there is some kid who sings about "All I want for Christmas is my two front teef". Well, just a coupla nights ago I was slippery and bonked my head a little in the the tub, but was wailing for sympathy since Mom was around. To my surprise, she and Daddy both started cheering. Apparently they could see that my first tooth was just over the surface of the gum. I coulda told them that if they would have listened! For days I've been repeating: "Dadadada. Yayaya." But I guess they had to see it for themselves.

Mom compares me to Wile E. Coyote, because I have pulled myself up to stand without any assistance or grabbing onto anything, but the minute I realize I've done it I fall. She already moved her jewelry up one shelf in her closet. Well, this morning I got on tippy toe and yanked some stuff down. So she moved it up to the third shelf. Dad mocked me: "You'll have to grow a lot before you can reach THAT, Vie." Mom said: "Please don't cheat and just learn how to climb either." Which gave me an idea...she didn't appreciate it when I climbed up the shelf and yoinked down some more bracelets. Gotta share those accessories, Ma!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

How Time Flies...6 Months

I turned 6 months old on September 3rd. That same week I started crawling, pulling myself up to stand, and figured out how to shake things to make noises. My main method of communication was lots of raspberries.
I am now 7 months old and very busy. I have climbed a couple of the stairs on the flight of danger that intrigues me so much, and stand at the gate that keeps the dogs in the kitchen so I can scream at them. Every day I must also find time for eating a variety of fruits and veg, though squash is still my favorite. I have finally figured out how to let Mom know when I want to nurse now that I can turn my body and lunge at her, and love to nurse sitting up, or crawl around and snack on the go!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Going Green

For all my life until today, Mom has been the one to feed me. Today Dad gave it a try. His milk is green and lumpy and called "of a cow toe" or something. Anyway, I kinda like it, but it is much harder to get it into my belly.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Three Firsts

How did I wind up in jail? This was a fun stop in Helen, GA, where we spent a leisurely day as a family with Unc and Gramma Patty. It was the old city jail. This is my first time in prison, and hopefully my last.

Uncle Tim said that our photos always look like mug shots when we are holding up the sign with how old I am. So we decided we should take a "real" mug shot for his benefit.

This is my first time in a high chair. I loved it! I was able to grab at absolutely everything. Still wasn't allowed to put any of it in my mouth...but Mom promises to let Dad feed me in only a couple of weeks.

This was my first time in the ocean. I didn't love it. It was cold and wet. Who needs it? After this, we enjoyed a fabulous brunch at The Reef with Unc.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

La Vie n Rose

This wonderful onesie was gifted to us by a friend. Mom reported a major functional error: the progress bar does not update. My diaper was 101% full when she checked it.

I am able to sit up unassisted for good stretches now, but Mom only feels safe when I'm in a seat, since I still tumble over when I'm tired. This little Bumbo chair is great, but made for slightly less chunky thighs than my own, it seems.

I am really starting to explore the world around me now. Mom takes me on short walks during the day and lets me touch the plants or leaves. I very gently petted a blossoming rose today, my namesake, and did it no harm. Now if only I could get it into my mouth!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Etiquette Lessons

I love when mom or dad sticks their tongue and makes a raspy sound. I love it so much that I will now stick out my tongue to try to do it. I hum because I can't quite figure out how they make that fantastic farting noise yet. I also love clucking and popping noises. Wow, so much to learn.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Whenever Mom needs help with laundry, I am ready to jump right in! I am really interested in toys now. I grasp them with both hands. I also discovered that I have two feet! These are fun to grab with my hands. Mom and Dad find that convenient when changing me, since I lift up my bum for them to clean. Ah. Nobody likes to sit around in a poo stew anyway. Glad I can be of so much assistance now that I'm a big girl.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Mom and Dad took me to Georgia for two weeks to visit Grandma Patty. We got to visit their old congregation and see friends. I'm seen here sporting the sassy dress cousin Kindra sent me, and my shades.

This week I started batting at the jingly toy Grandma got me. I am grabbing toys with my hands. I also saw the prettiest little girl ever; mom says her name is "mirror". I like to talk to her a few times each day.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I don't like Mondays

I don't like Mondays, or Saturdays, because we have meetings at the Kingdom Hall those nights. I don't mind meetings per se; Mom took me to one on a Sunday afternoon and I loved it. I think it's that the evening meetings keep us out late. They're singing songs under fluorescent lights while I should be in a warm tub, and they're talking about the Bible when I should be in a cozy bed. Mom thinks I'll get used to it, but in the meantime she trades shifts with Dad on walking me in the back of the hall or outside. I think I can break them if I keep it up.

I went out in field ministry on Saturday. Mom says I did pretty well for a fuss-budget. Whatever that means. It was hot!

Also, I might be teething. I'm drooling a lot, sucking my hands, and fussing out of nowhere. I'm not sleeping as well. You can see the bumps where teeth will be. Tough week!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Like a Hole in the Head

This is me falling asleep in the Ergo on Daddy at the mall (you can tell it's not Mom because her chest hair if blond!). Mom got her second ear-piercing. Afterward, she said she felt less guilty about piercing my ears because it wasn't so bad. Oh, if only I could speak, I'd have a few words for her!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Bee on Vie

I love my after-dinner walks around the neighborhood, in what the pediatrician calls "healthy sunshine". It's fun to watch Mom and Dad scramble to stand just so in order to block the sun from hitting me when we change direction. The constant breeze in Jacksonville is pleasant on my skin, and I can hear the birds and sounds of other kids having fun.

A wasp flew in yesterday as we were departing for our walk. It hovered at the second story window in the foyer. We all forgot about it until this morning while Mom was changing me and talking to Unc. Then in a flurry they were yelling and swatting. Mom actually touched the wasp to smack it off of my leg. Then Mom shut Unc in the room with the wasp for a battle to the death. It was touch and go for a while. We heard six thuds and an exclamation from Unc, but he emerged victorious and flushed the loser. My hero.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Worst Day of my Entire Life!

Mom and Dad took me to the "vet" this morning, and she wrote "Great Job" on my report card. My head is still in the 50th percentile, as I had been for height and weight also at my two week checkup. But today I'm in the 85th for height and the 97th for weight. The pediatrician said Mom must be making buttercream. Whatever Mom makes, it's delicious and I eat it with gusto. Sometimes I grunt and then launch myself at her to start eating. So what? A girl's gotta eat!

I was all relaxed on the table at the office and then wham! The two nice ladies counted to three and simultaneously stabbed me in each leg! Then the lady also stabbed me in the ear lobes. Worst day ever. I was smiling by the time we were driving home, though. Mommy sat in the back next to me and now I'm milking her for all the sympathy I can get.

Also, I'm trying my hardest to sit up, though I still need help. I'm also working on my vocoobulary, babbling whole phrases. I have a lot to say, and plan to be able to say it in at least three languages soon.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Child Labor

Mom went back to work on Friday. Today is her first full week back. Dad is going to be around to help with me a lot, but there are times when Mom has to take care of me and her job, too. I thought I was her job. I'm doing everything I can to make sure Mom remembers me, and am therefore sure to need attention often. She found a way to foil my plans, though. She puts me in this stretchy cozy hugging device that has the power to knock me out. Darn, she's good!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

That's so rude!

Mom was upstairs grabbing some diapers and doing laundry while Dad held me, so I thought it was the best time for my first deliberate smile when he stuck his tongue out at me. He got excited and called Mom down in time for her to see me smile again. The third time he did it, I smiled and then immediately stuck my tongue back out at him. Apparently this is some kind of polite greeting in our society, so I'm glad to learn this gesture early and plan to use it often, especially for Dad!

Looky Loo

The past few days I have been looking around a lot more. Dad, Mom, and Unc call that "eye time" and trade off who gets to hold me when I'm looking around. Whether they're busy or not, someone is always ready to pause what they're doing to give me attention and talk to me or make faces. At the restaurant last night I started fussing in my carrier. Everyone assumed I was hungry (which is a safe bet, since I'm always hungry). However, I just sat around holding tightly to mom's necklace (shiny!) and taking in the scenes for a long time. Everything is so new and fascinating.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Month One

At first, life is counted in days, then weeks. I've finally graduated to life in terms of months of age, since yesterday I was officially four weeks old. I am now able to hold my head up for long stretches of time and am following things with my vision as they move by shifting my eyes or moving my head to keep up. This month Mom discovered that I indeed love hot baths as much as she. She got in the tub and then let me sit in the water up to my armpits. I told her that I liked it by going from a full cry to a shocked silence. She now takes me in there most nights and lets me stay until just around the time I would get pruny if I weren't so fat. Dad is the maestro of all things gastrointestinal. Sometimes mom has to ask him if I'm crying because I'm hungry or because I have gas. He's just aces at coaxing man-sized burps from me, and he doesn't even complain when it turns out to be a bit more than a burp. He is also patiently tolerating my attempt at hair removal for him as I pull chunks of his chest hair out when he holds me. I think I like this guy. It's still the probationary period, but month one went well.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Vie Rose by any other Name

My parents both love my name, which is why they gave it to me of course. For some reason, though, they seem to call me by all sorts of other names. It's very confusing to me. Mom says they are "Nickel Names" that mean I'm loved.

Dad likes to call me Vie Bug. Mom calls me Titmouse because I'm teeny and squeaky and, you know...because of my favorite food. Other names include: Vie Biscuit, LoVie, Milk Mouth, Grumpy Whumpous, Tough Guy. I'm basically learning to respond to any name at all.

Friday, March 25, 2011

I have to admit, it's getting better...

Mom and Dad are really handling things better each day. They are getting faster and more effective as a team, so I keep throwing them new challenges. This week, I gave them my first poo-splosion, lots of copious spit-ups, and I peed on the changing pad so much it puddled up to my neck. They soldiered on through the bathing and laundry and were even nice to me while cleaning up my messes. Apparently my good looks give me a free pass.

Friday, March 18, 2011

A New Wrinkle

Dad was right: I am growing rapidly! Every time he looks at me he swears he sees a new fat wrinkle on my arm, leg, back. The pediatrician (which mom calls the "vet") gave us a good report card today. I am up to 8lbs 7oz and over 20 inches long. I have grown almost 2 inches in two weeks! Our next assignment is to work on "tummy time" at least 4 times a day, which is just time for me to work on my push-ups to develop upper body strength so I'm not a T-rex like mom.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My First Mile

Mom finally got me out in the fresh air for a walk. I fussed a bit at first, I'll admit, but then I started to just stare out at the scenery and later got lulled to sleep. We went over a lot of roots and bumps on the trail, but I took 'em like a champ. Walking just seems so familiar. Mom told me that she used to walk me on that same trail when I was in her tummy, so maybe that's why I like it so much.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bowly Bunta

Mom's grampa loves deliberately mispronounciating words. One of his favorites was from a little girl who said "bowly bunta" when referring to her belly button. Well, whatever you call it, I have one now! My umby stump came off today and I have a cute little divot in my tum now. Now I'm allowed to take a real bath, which is a favorite way for any lady to relax.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Trouble with my Bubble

Apparently I have a big butt, and it's even bigger because of my cute cloth diapers. Mom tried to find some cute t-shirts for me, but the stores only seem to carry onesies for my size, which won't snap around my rear end. I might have to wear dresses or go topless for a while. The stupid fashion industry just doesn't make clothes for real women!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I emerged into the world on March 3, 2011 at 3:41AM. Mom only had to push 20 minutes because I did most of the work; by the time she had to start pushing, Dad could already see my head! I can't get my hand around mom's pinky because I'm so small, but I have Dad wrapped around my finger. He loves that I will curl my toes to grab his finger like a baby monkey.
I weighed 8lb 3.5oz at birth and am only 18.5 inches long, but I'm tough. I can already lift my head to look around a bit.