At first, life is counted in days, then weeks. I've finally graduated to life in terms of months of age, since yesterday I was officially four weeks old.
I am now able to hold my head up for long stretches of time and am following things with my vision as they move by shifting my eyes or moving my head to keep up. This month Mom discovered that I indeed love hot baths as much as she. She got in the tub and then let me sit in the water up to my armpits. I told her that I liked it by going from a full cry to a shocked silence. She now takes me in there most nights and lets me stay until just around the time I would get pruny if I weren't so fat. Dad is the maestro of all things gastrointestinal. Sometimes mom has to ask him if I'm crying because I'm hungry or because I have gas. He's just aces at coaxing man-sized burps from me, and he doesn't even complain when it turns out to be a bit more than a burp. He is also patiently tolerating my attempt at hair removal for him as I pull chunks of his chest hair out when he holds me. I think I like this guy. It's still the probationary period, but month one went well.
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