We went to St. Augustine this weekend. Mom was carrying me and tickling and smooching me. Last week I had asked her to "tickle and kiss me again". But this time she went to cradle me in her arms and I reminded her that "I not a baby anymore". Then just last night she came after me again and I let her know: "We are no tickling now, we r playing."
We were getting up and I was snuggling Mom and baby Atlas. Mom asked me which song we should sing to him. I said we should sing "Pizza". She asked me how it went. I sang: "Pizza!" then told her "sing it mom!" So she made something up right then and I made her sing it all day long.
We got some fun books at the library that Mom reads in a neat voice with funny sounds. She calls them French. Dad didn't want to read them to me but I made him do it.
We are having fun for family worship because I understand the stories more now. We built towers to knock down for the stories of Nimrod and Samson. I like playing Kingdom Hall and will pretend to give a talk. I help Mom and Dad comment by telling them to "say Jehovah" then encourage them with "I'm proud of you." We went out in the door to door ministry for the first time since baby Atlas was born and I knocked on the doors doing "lots of numbers".
Got a thing for Mickey. |
We had a breakfast picnic at the arboretum. |
Annual Meeting day. Dad might need sunglasses. |
We watched Toy Story and then played with Mr. Potato Head. |
I am happy. |
Dad is Daisy Duck, so he is not happy. |
Spinning on the "green playground". |
A favorite game is to play hospital checkup time. I have a stethoscope, thermometer, and more and know how to use them. I use my stethoscope to "check on you heartbeep" and when we use the blood pressure cuff I say "It's high!" Some of my patients have unusual maladies, such as a bee in the belly that is cured by holding a flower by their mouth to lure out the bee. One patient just needed a hug.
I am learning to share and be "generous" and also to cleanup. However, recently Dad said it was cleanup time and asked if I wanted to pick up my blocks or kitchen. Since he was asking, I told him: "You do it, Dad".
Mom burned her hand a couple of weeks ago and I comforted her saying "it's okay mom it's okay." I enjoy comforting her so much, that sometimes I will tell her to cry so I can hug her and say it's okay.
If something is hot, I say: "Blow on it. Pa-poo!"